When I look back on my family in 2023 ...






1.       By God's great love and grace, my wife, our three children, and I have come this far.


2.       Although I, as the head of the family, have not loved my wife and children properly (correctly), the Lord, the owner of our family, has loved them.


3.       Even though this year has been one where I have fallen short as a husband to my wife and a father to my children, God has been with me in abundant grace, allowing me to carry out my family ministry, though imperfectly, until today.


4.       Although I am not qualified to be my wife’s husband or my children’s father, I believe that my qualifications come from God (2 Corinthians 3:5).


5.       What I am truly grateful for is that the Lord called my beloved son, Dillon, and made him His servant, anointing him and leading him to seminary. Furthermore, the Lord has appointed Dillon to serve as a pastor in the college ministry at the church he is currently attending.


6.       I am also deeply thankful that the Lord has paired Dillon with Jessica as his life partner.  This February, we had a meeting with Jessica’s mother for the first time, and in December, Dillon proposed to Jessica.  They plan to marry in the second half of next year.


7.       I am truly grateful that the Lord sent my beloved daughter, Yeri, to Japan for a year of mission work.  I am thankful that the Lord allowed me to glimpse through the eyes of faith how  He is fulfilling His promise to me from 1 Peter 5:10. I am also deeply thankful that my wife and I were able to visit Japan in October to spend time with Yeri.  I thank God for allowing us to create precious memories with our beloved daughter in the Lord.


8.       I am truly grateful that the Lord has given my beloved daughter, Karis, a heart for missions.  During the Thanksgiving holiday, while driving with my beloved wife and Karis to visit my mother-in-law and brother-in-law, Karis told me that she would rather do missions than get married.  The Lord has truly given Karis a strong conviction about missions, and I am thankful for that.  I also thank God for His amazing work in Karis' life this year, as I have seen her spirituality and faith grow.  I am excited to see what the Lord will do through her, especially as she currently serves as the president of the Christian club at her university.


9.       I am truly thankful that my beloved wife, throughout this year, was able to engage in activities like running marathons, hiking, camping, and even rock climbing, all without any accidents.  Although she is currently sick with the COVID-19 virus and unable to go to work or attend church today, and will also miss tomorrow's family New Year gathering, I am still thankful because this illness is allowing her to rest.  It must have been challenging to balance full-time work, family ministry, church service, and all the activities, but I thank God that the Lord has given my wife good health—not just physically, but also strengthening her heart and spirit.  As her husband, I am filled with gratitude toward God.



10.    This year, the Lord has shown me great mercy, compassion, grace, and love.  He has not only blessed me with personal time for sharing Bible meditation and internet ministry, but He has also fulfilled His promise of the multiplication of the loaves and fish (John 6:1-15).  Moreover, the Lord has allowed me to serve at Victory Presbyterian Church, as He promised to build His church (Matthew 16:18), and He has entrusted me with family ministry, bringing me to this point.  I am truly grateful. I thank God for enabling me to carry out all of this ministry this year, by His grace and love.