I have put countless obstacles in front of my wife.




I have put obstacles in front of my wife countless times during the 27 years I have been married to her.  Before I got married, I had committed myself to love my wife with the love of Jesus and become a stepping stone between the Lord and my wife as I grew closer to Jesus and became like Him.  However, in reality, I have put obstacles in front of my wife countless times and caused her to stumble.  Furthermore, as a father of three children, I have put obstacles in front of my three children countless times and caused them to be discouraged. In particular,  I did not love my wife, but rather hated her, and I fought with her, putting obstacles in front of my three children.  Nevertheless, the amazing grace of God said that my beloved children did not feel bitter toward me.  If I were their parent, I would have felt bitter enough.  Parents should be stepping stones for their children to come closer to the Lord, but even though I am an obstacle, the Lord is allowing my three children to grow in Him.  I cannot understand this at all with my reason.  All I believe is that the Lord loves my three children more than my wife and I.  So the Lord uses parents like my husband and I, who are very lacking, foolish, and sinful, to personally raise Dillon, Yeri, and Karis, whom the Lord loves, and to help them grow in Him. I am not only not confident that I will be able to serve as a stepping stone for my beloved wife and three children in the future, but I will certainly commit the sin of putting obstacles in their path again and again.  Nevertheless, the Lord, who is rich in mercy, grace, and love, will continue to build our family as a family centered on Him.  Jesus Christ, who is the true stepping stone, will lead and guide me, my wife, and my three children to come closer to the Lord.  With this faith, I pray that the gift of grace that the Lord has entrusted to me will allow me to serve my beloved wife and three children with love, humility, and wisdom, as guided by the Holy Spirit.


