Choosing a church for newlyweds?
What should be the criteria for newlyweds in seeking God's will and choosing a church? Many young newlywed couples, especially those with young children, often decide on a church based on what is best for their children. For instance, most young couples choose a church with well-established children's programs. However, I believe that church selection should be made primarily for the couple rather than for the children. Just as in an airplane emergency, where one must first put on their oxygen mask before assisting their child, I believe that choosing a church should prioritize the couple’s spiritual well-being rather than focusing solely on the children. Of course, a husband may choose a church with his wife in mind, and if she suggests attending a church for the benefit of their children, the husband may readily agree and go along with her choice. However, in addition to prioritizing the couple's spiritual growth over the children’s, I also believe that the wife should consider choosing a church for the sake of her husband, who is the head of the household (Of course, the husband, out of love for his wife, will also consider her in this decision). The reason for this is that the husband must stand firm in his faith as the spiritual leader of the family. Only then will he be able to nurture his wife and children according to the Word of God. However, if a husband follows his wife’s choice of church for the sake of their children, the wife may feel satisfied because she has a community of mothers in a similar life stage, and the children may enjoy the Sunday school programs. But what if the husband feels disconnected from the pastor’s sermons and finds himself reluctantly socializing with other husbands simply because of his wife’s involvement? In the long run, I believe this could lead to a loss of spiritual balance in the home, ultimately harming the family's overall faith and spiritual life. I believe a wise wife will build up her husband as the head of the household in a way that is spiritually beneficial. While this requires much prayer, patience, and service, the most urgent priority should be to establish the husband as the spiritual leader of the family. Since before marriage, I have held the conviction that my relationship with my wife in the Lord is the most important, and that children and extended family are secondary. As the head of my household, I believe that my role is to draw closer to the Lord so that I can help my wife do the same. Though I fall short, by God’s grace, I have tried to live this out. Dillon, Yeri, and Karis did not always have the most ideal church environment, but as my wife and I prioritized our faith as a couple, God Himself has been faithfully nurturing them in various ways. This is not an easy or simple topic, but I pray that God grants us all wisdom to choose the right church, so that as men (brothers in faith), we may grow spiritually and in turn lead our wives and children in God's Word and love.
[“Which church should I go to when I get married?”]