Lessons on family (2)





1.       The family is a spiritual battlefield.


2.       Satan is constantly attacking our families.


3.       When there is discord in the marital relationship, Satan can magnify even the smallest conflicts between husband and wife, driving them to the brink of a marital crisis.


4.       Husband and wife are bound to be different, and the Lord intends for these differences to complement each other.  However, Satan tries to make them compare themselves with each other or with other "perfect" couples, leading to dissatisfaction and complaints.


5.       Satan encourages couples to magnify each other's weaknesses while minimizing each other's strengths, making them overlook what truly matters.


6.       One of the husband's duties is to protect his wife (and children) from the influence of both sides of the family.  In particular, he must shield his family from the idols, unbelief, unbiblical, and worldly views of his in-laws.


7.       One of the wife's duties is to wisely honor her husband in front of her parents, but she must not allow herself to be manipulated, particularly by her mother.


8.       One of the great duties of parents is to let go of their married children.  Parents who are emotionally or psychologically unhealthy and still strongly connected to their children must deliberately cut this bond for the sake of their children’s marital relationship.


9.       In many ways, sick parents can unknowingly harm their children's hearts, minds, and emotions, and this unhealthy influence can deeply affect the marital relationship, extending even to their grandchildren.


10.    We must faithfully carry out family ministry, guided by the Holy Spirit, with the confidence of victory, fighting against Satan who attacks our families, as we believe in the Lord who has overcome Satan.  We must engage in a combative family life, continually resisting Satan and fighting the spiritual battles.


(Thinking of the people I have already met who are fighting a spiritual war through the Internet Ministry in Korea in 2022)