Is the crisis in the family an opportunity to experience

the Lord's saving love more deeply?





Yesterday, while I was chatting on KakaoTalk with a fellow believer who was going through some family difficulties, I received some insights.  I just took a moment to reflect on them and write them down.  I pray that these insights, which are not only for that individual but for all of us, may be wisely applied in our family ministry, so that through the crisis in our families, we can experience God's saving love more deeply, more abundantly, and more greatly.


I believe we can pray to the Lord, "Lord, can You love us like this?" especially when we are going through very difficult times.  When we pray and ask the Lord to answer our prayers in the way we expect, it may seem like the hardship or difficulty we're facing will be resolved more easily (or at least not get worse).


About 22 years ago, when my first child fell ill and was at the brink of life and death, my fervent hope and prayer were that the Lord would miraculously heal my baby and save their life.  However, things did not unfold as I had prayed and hoped; instead, my baby was gradually heading toward death.  I might have thought, "Lord, can you show us your love by saving our baby?"  But in the end, my baby died in my arms.  So, how could I feel God's love in that moment?  After we cremated our child and I was holding the small box of ashes, my wife and I went out on a boat, sprinkled the ashes in the water, and as we returned, the Holy Spirit moved in my heart so powerfully that I was led to praise and glorify the amazing and wondrous love of God's salvation (Psalms 63:3).


In May 1987, during our church's college department retreat, I received the Lord's calling (John 6:1-15), and after that experience, I began to deeply experience God's saving love more abundantly (Ephesians 3:18-19).  Therefore, I would like to pray this prayer to the Lord: "Lord, do not love me according to my will, but love me according to Your will" (Matthew 26:39).  The reason I want to pray this is that I believe it is best to be loved according to the will of the Lord, who loves me most (John 3:16; Romans 8:32), knows me best (Psalms 139), and desires to give me what is always best for me.