Balanced Relationship




“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12).



Spouses are designed to rely on each other.  However, if one relies more on their spouse than on God, it is impossible to build a healthy family.  In relying on our spouses, we need to maintain balance.  Over-reliance on each other to the extent of becoming independent from God is not a healthy marital relationship.  There should be a certain degree of freedom between husband and wife.  The purpose of this freedom is to allow each other the freedom to approach God.  It means that while spouses rely on each other, there is a need for independent aspects.


Thinking of a triangle, it is easy to understand that giving each other space means creating a free space.  If we label the top corner as God, the left corner as the husband, and the right corner as the wife, the husband respects the wife's personal relationship with God, allowing her the freedom to approach Him.  Similarly, the wife allows the husband the freedom to build a relationship with God.  When each spouse restrains excessive dependence on each other and allows space for relying on God first, a balanced and healthy marriage can thrive on a foundation of true intimacy and connection.