Preparation for Marriage





“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him” (Psalms 34:8).




Marriage is one of the greatest and most important events in our lives, so it cannot be anything less than a matter of great concern for young people about to embark on this journey.  However, the reality we face is that proper preparation for marriage is not taking place despite the immense interest in it.  Many people are more focused on emotions like "love" and practical wedding preparations rather than laying the true foundation of marriage.  Yet, a marriage built on such non-essential and weak foundations easily crumbles when faced with the storms of hardship.  The foundation of marriage is knowing that Jesus Christ is our Lord.  It is believing and acknowledging the fact that our marriage is within the rule of our Father God and that our Lord, who knows and loves us best, gives us the best.  On this foundation, practicing the commandments of Jesus Christ, such as the love of God and neighbor, as a married couple signifies a dedication to loving God and each other.  Based on this dedication, experiencing the continuous grace of the Holy Spirit throughout married life is the essence.  Only when we know Christ as our Lord does our marriage stand firmly on a solid rock.