Day 20: Acts 10:15





“God has made clean”





“Do not call anything impure that God has made clean” (Acts 10:15) teaches us not to harbor prejudice and discrimination within the church.  Furthermore, it instructs us that righteousness is not attained by keeping the law, but by the merit of Jesus' crucifixion.  We have already been cleansed by the atonement of Jesus' crucifixion.  Therefore, we should not live a life bound by the laws of the old covenant, engaging in discrimination from a place of prejudice.  Discrimination within the church is a sin against God.  We must thoroughly break down the walls of prejudice, discrimination, and all preconceived notions towards our neighbors with the power of the Lord's word, like a battering ram.  Then, we must love one another fervently with the love of the Lord.