Day 7: Acts 3:6





"what I have I give you“




"The words 'Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk' give us valuable lessons about evangelism. 


The first lesson is that we should first pay attention to the desperate souls God brings into our lives.  For Peter and John, the person they needed to focus on was the man who was lame from birth.


The second lesson is that we must be clear about what we do not possess.  In other words, there is no need to pretend to have silver and gold if we don't.  It would be unwise to give false hope and ultimately lead to greater disappointment.


The final lesson is that we must know and give what we do have.  For Peter and for us, it is the name of Jesus Christ.  We should proclaim the gospel in the name of salvation, a name of honor and glory, a name of power. In doing so, the history of salvation and healing will be revealed."