



            We who follow Jesus are poor in spirit, mourners, meek, hunger and thirsty for righteousness, merciful, pure in heart, peacemakers, persecuted for the sake of righteousness.  Also, we who follow Jesus are those who have been called by the Lord.  The Lord has also promised us, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”  We who listen to the voice of the Lord and obey the Lord's call and follow the Lord must not only open our mouths to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, but also live a life worthy of the gospel.  We who follow Jesus are the light and salt of this world.  We must not become disciples of Jesus who have lost their taste.  Rather, we must shine the light of Jesus into this dark world.  We must live our lives reflecting good deeds.  We must give up our hypocrisy and live a life of harmony in words and deeds.  Also, we should not judge others, but rather live a life of love where we treat them and show mercy to them.  Also, as we are wary of false prophets, we should not lay up treasures on this earth.  And we should enter the small gate that the Lord walked through and walk the narrow path.  And we must walk with the faith that Jesus also marvels.  We must also serve the eternal God for eternal things with eternal values.  We should never serve God and money at the same time.  As followers of Jesus, who died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, we must live a holy life separate from the world.  And we must live a fruitful life for the Lord.  We are to be wise men and women who build the Lord's church and our homes on the rock of Jesus Christ.  To do this, we must pray to our Heavenly Father.  We must pray in faith the prayer that the Lord taught us.  And we should go ahead and pray to Heavenly Father without worrying about tomorrow.  Therefore, I hope and pray that we will enjoy the grace of salvation more and more fully by receiving prayers answered by Heavenly Father.