Wisdom that is pleasant to our souls
“For wisdom will enter your heart And knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.” (Proverbs 2:10)
What do you enjoy these days? Is there joy in your heart these days? What about your soul? Is there joy in your soul? What brings pleasant to your soul?
Looking at Proverbs 2:10, the Bible says, “For wisdom will enter your heart And knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.” What is wisdom that can be pleasant to our souls? In Ecclesiastes 7:11, the benefit of wisdom for us is to give us eternal values. In other words, wisdom is good, beneficial, and beautiful because it guides (helps) us to live forever for the eternity. In particular, as King Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 3:11, God has set eternity in our hearts and wisdom is good, beneficial, and beautiful because wisdom satisfies our longing for eternity. When this good, beneficial, and beautiful wisdom of God enters our hearts, we live for eternal things with eternal values. Since we participate in God’s work of saving the souls that the eternal God loved and predestined from before the foundation of the world, God makes our souls to taste joy. Especially, because God uses us to boldly proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, we have no choice but to rejoice in our souls when a dying soul receives Jesus as Savior and is saved. The apostle Paul had this joy of his soul. Paul, who was striving to save souls by preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to dying souls, even referred the members of the Philippian church as “my joy and crown” (Phil. 4:1). Paul, who referred to the fruit of soul salvation as “my joy and crown,” rejoiced in his soul because of Jesus, his joy, his life, and his hope. Do we really have this joy of our souls?