"In your anger do not sin"



"In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent.  Selah" (Ps. 4:4).


                The Bible says “In your anger do not sin” (Ps. 4:4).  But this word of God is too difficult to apply in our lives.  In particular, the word "anger" is impossible without a fear of God.  The Bible says “The fear of the Lord is to hate evil” (Prov. 8:13).  Therefore, when we face temptation, we must resist it according to this word and overcome it and not commit sin.  We know we should do that, but our sinful nature wants to get closer to temptation when we encounter it.  When we look at ourselves, we cannot help but wonder if there is trembling in us.


                When is it easy for us to sin?  It is easy for us to commit a sin when we are in “distress” (Ps. 4:1).   The psalmist David was in distress because of his son Absalom (Ps. 3), “my foes” (v. 1) or “all my enemies” (v. 7).  However, the difficulty that made David more difficult than this was that "Many are saying of me, ‘God will not deliver him” (v. 2).  We are same.  If many people say to us ‘God will not deliver you,’ then we who are in distress can be discouraged by their voice.  We can also commit sin of not seeking God's help any longer, but ask people for help.  Furthermore, we can blame God and even leave the church of God.


What kind of sins are easy for us to commit in distress?  It is easy for us to commit the sin of turning the glory of God into shame (4:2).  How can we turn God's glory into shame?  We can think of two ways:


(1)   We can turn the glory of God into shame by loving the worthless things and by aiming at deception.


Look at Psalms 4:2 - "... How long will your love what is worthless and aim at deception?  Selah."  We can't wait for God's help in distress, and it's easy to be drawn to the worthless things and deception by turning our eyes to vain and falsehood.  Then, in the end, we can turn God's glory into shame.


(2)   We can turn the glory of God into shame by doing unrighteousness and not trusting in God.


Look at Psalm 4:5 – “Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, And trust in the LORD.”  We are in danger of not trusting in God and waiting for the help of the righteous God, so there is enough danger of trusting ourselves and doing unrightouesness.

                Then what should we do in distress?


First, we must tremble and not sin.


Look at Psalms 4:4 - “Tremble, and do not sin ….”  Some scholars see this in connection with the words of Ephesians 4:26, “Be angry, and yet do not sin ….”  Therefore, they say that we should tremble and not commit sin, even if we are angry with God's fear.


Second, we must meditate in our hearts.


Look at Psalms 4:4 – “…  Meditate in your heart upon your bed and be still.”  We need to meditate on the word of God deeply in a quiet place at the quiet time, with quiet heart, as we go to the Lord.  In the midst of that, we must yield to the word of God to speak to our souls.


Third and last, we must be still.


Look at Psalms 4:4 – “…  Meditate in your heart upon your bed, and be still.”  We must “Be still and know that I am God” (46:10).  Also, we must know that in quietness and trust is our strength (Isa. 30:15).  Therefore, we must tremble and not sin when we are in distress (Ps. 4:4).



Desiring to be submerged in God’s great love and grace in the life of knowing that I am a chief sinner,


James Kim

(As I thank God for His abundant grace)