In the midst of tribulation and persecution  …



How can we keep our faith in the midst of tribulation and persecution?

How can we be filled with joy when we think of this faith?

We must trust in the Lord (Isa. 50:10).  

We must learn and realize a lot of things from God even during the tribulation.

[“The Lord God has given Me the tongue of disciples …” (v. 4) (Park, Yun-sun)]

We must obey the words we learn and understood even during the tribulation.

[“… He awakens My ear to listen as a disciple” (v. 4) (Park)]

He who vindicates us is near (v. 8) and He is helping us (vv. 7, 9).  

Therefore we should boldly obey His words.

In doing so, not only we can keep our faith in the midst of tribulation and persecution,

but also we will be filled with joy when we think of this faith.