Trusting God



When I go to YMCA to exercise, I often see mom and dad are playing together in a small pool.

It was interesting to notice that 2 or 3 years old kids were jumping into the pool

and Asian parents usually were catching them inside the pool

and American parents usually let them sink and then drag them out of water.

I remembered this scene that I saw when I was meditating on Proverbs 3:5-6.

When we say we trust God with all our hearts, I think it is like those children

who trusted their parents that they would catch them or would drag them out of water when they jumped into the pool.


In order for us to trust God with all our hearts, we should ...

(1)   Believe that God is our Father,

(2)   Believe that our Father God loves us,

(3)   Believe that Father God guides us.