Beatitude (3)



"Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth" (Mt. 5:5).



The gentle Christian  ...



  1. Knows himself by knowing God (Hos. 6:3).


  1. Doesn’t go too far in his thoughts (Num. 16:3, 7; Rom. 12:6; 2 Cor. 10:13).


  1. Is humble (Isa. 57:15; Eph. 4:2).

He considers others better than himself (Phil. 2:3).


  1. Is criticized but is not defensive.


  1. Acknowledges his mistakes and weaknesses and wrongs quickly.


  1. Sees his wrongs and boldly confronts them.


  1. Not only knows that he himself is a greater sinner but also knows that he is a God’s child who is loved by the greater God.


  1. Endures and is patient with all the hardships and difficulties in order to reveal God’s greatness who is highly exalted.