The couple’s quarrel is ...
Most of the time, the couple’s quarrel starts with something very small and gets bigger and bigger.
“Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam” (Prov. 17:14).
When the water starts to leak from the dam, we need to stop the leaking the dam quickly.
The couple must drop the matter before a dispute breaks out (v. 14).
Why don’t they drop the matter? It is because of their desires that battle within them (Jam. 4:1).
There is lust in these desires that battle within us (v. 2).
If that lust is not being satisfied, then we have no choice but to become peace-breakers
By disobeying God’s commands in discontent and complaint.
The couple who are driven by these desires are the ones who love a quarrel
And the ones who raise their door for destruction (Prov. 17:19).
We must repent.