I must be very alert that my heart doesn’t get hardened.
I must be very alert that my heart doesn’t get hardened (Exod. 10:1, 20, etc.).
If God give me over, then my heart will certainly get hardened (Rom. 1:24, 26, 28).
My responsibility to be diligent is
To let the word of God that is like fire and a hammer (Jere. 23:29)
To melt and to break my heart.
I must continue to let the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God (Eph. 6:17)
To pierce my conscience (1 Sam. 24:5. 10; Acts 2:37).
Like this, I must break up my heart that is like “my fallow ground” (Hos. 10:12).
May the Spirit of God grant me “a new heart”, obedient heart
By removing “the heart of stone” every day and every moment (Ezek. 36:26).