We should know our detestable practices … (Ezek. 16:2)



Although God made the Israelites’ beauty perfect

So that their fame spread among the nations on account of their beauty (vv. 9-14)

The Israelites trusted in their beauty and used their fame to become a prostitute

And lavished their favors on anyone who passed by (v. 15). 

They also took the fine jewelry God have them

And made for themselves male idols and engaged in prostitution with them (v. 17).

And they took their embroidered clothes to put on them,

And they offered His oil, fragrant incense, the food He provided for them before them (vv. 18-19).

But their prostitution wasn’t enough so they didn’t stop here.

They took their sons and daughters and sacrificed them as food to the idols (vv. 20-21).

They build a mound for themselves and made a lofty, shrine in every public square (v. 24).

They offered their body with increasing promiscuity to anyone who passed by (v. 25).

They engaged in prostitution with the Egyptians, their lustful neighbors (v. 26),

And with the Assyrians too because they were insatiable (v. 28),

And with Babylonia, a land of merchants, but even with this they weren’t satisfied (v. 29).

They were corrupted women who acted like a brazen prostitute when they did all these things (v. 30).

They were adulterous wife who preferred strangers to their own husband (v. 32).

Every prostitute receives a fee, but they gave gifts to all their lovers,

Bribing them to come to them from everywhere for their illicit favors (v. 33).

They weren’t like other prostitutes

Because they didn’t receive payment but rather they gave to them (v. 34).


But toward them, God said, “I will put a stop to your prostitution,

And you will no longer pay your lovers” (v. 41).

Although she had to bear the consequences of their lewdness and their detestable practices (v. 58),

God said, “Yet I will remember the covenant I made with you in the days of your youth,

And I will establish an everlasting covenant with you” (v. 60).

Although God had right to break the covenant that He made with the Israelites

since they broke the covenant with God first,

instead God said He would establish the everlasting covenant with them.

So they would know that ‘God is the Lord’ (v. 62).

God said He would make atonement for the Israelites for all they had done (v. 63).

How could God forgive a prostitute for doing so detestable things?

Now the church, His bride, is doing detestable things in the sight of the Bridegroom, Jesus.

Now we the Christians are acting as prostitutes.

Now we are not satisfied with Jesus, the Bridegroom

We keep trying to satisfy our own lust with the things of the world.

But since our lusts aren’t satisfied, we are complaining in our dissatisfaction and disobeying God’s Word.

The unrighteous things that we are not committing are indeed more detestable sins that the corrupted women.

The reason is because we want to satisfy our greed in addition to our lust.

That’s why we are bold to do detestable things in the sight of God.

Nevertheless, the Lord, the Bridegroom, is faithful to the everlasting covenant that

He promises not to let us do any more detestable things.

And the Lord promises to forgive all our detestable sins.

The Lord promises to establish the bride Church as a glorious church (Mt. 16:18; Eph. 5:27).

When the day that Jesus, the Bridegroom, comes back to this world,

the bride Church will suddenly be transformed and will wear the glorious spiritual body

that will not decay and strong  and will participate in the wedding of the Lamb (Rev. 19: 9).