The Hearts of the People



“When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, the hearts of the people are filled with schemes to do wrong” (Ecclesiastes 8:11).

I agree with what the Wise Teacher King Solomon said.  If there is quick sentence for our sins, then our hearts will not be filled with schemes to do wrong.  We will be hesitant to commit the same sins again.  But since there is no quick punishment or discipline, we have no fear to commit sins against God.  Although we commit “a hundred crimes” (v.12) we do not hesitant to commit sins against Him.  As we do so, our hearts get harden and harden.  Now the question is ‘Why does God quickly punish our sins?’   I find that answer in Romans 2:4 – “Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?”.  The reason why God does not quick punish our sins is so that we may repent our sins.  God is giving us time to return to Him with the heart of repentance.  Do we not experience this loving kindness of God?  But we tend to test His loving kindness by not returning to Him.  Rather, like a dog that returns to its vomit, we repeat our folly (Prov.26:11).  We must fear God.  If we fear God, we will be afraid to commit sins against God.  It’s because we have experienced His discipline due to our sins.  In other words, if we have experienced the consequences of our sins, we will not prone to commit sins against God.  We should take His discipline lightly.  And we must not be bold in doing wrong.  Rather, our hearts should be soften due to His discipline so that we may not boldly commit sins against God.