The authoritative Word of God

that the listeners could not help but be amazed by!



As Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee,

He called Simon and his brother Andrew, and James.

He then went with them to Capernaum,

where He entered the synagogue on the Sabbath and began to teach.

His teaching was as one with authority, and the people were amazed
(Mark 1:16-22, Korean Modern Bible).
When I reflect on this passage, I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ,

the authoritative one, taught with God's authority (2 Peter 2:10, Modern Korean Bible)

and with authoritative words (Luke 4:31, Modern Korean Bible).

That is why the people who listened could not help but be amazed.
Here is a message from the Apostle Paul to Titus:

“Teach these things with authority, encourage and rebuke with authority,

so that no one will disregard you” (Titus 2:15, Korean Modern Bible).