“I am willing.  Be cleansed.”



When a leper came to Jesus, knelt before Him, and begged, "If You are willing, You can make me clean," Jesus, moved with compassion, reached out and touched him, saying, "I am willing. Be cleansed."  Immediately, the leprosy left him (Mark 1:40-42, Korean Modern Bible).  As I meditate on this passage, several thoughts come to mind:


(1)    Just as Jesus had compassion on the leper who begged on his knees for healing, I also kneel before the Lord, asking Him to have compassion on me, a spiritual leper, and continue to cleanse me (Ref.: To feel physical pain but not feel the pain of conscience, not realizing one's sin, is spiritual leprosy).  Additionally, I pray that the Lord will have mercy on our country, South Korea.


(2)    Just as Jesus reached out His hand to the leper, I pray that when we are weary, exhausted, discouraged, and unable to rise, the Lord will "quietly draw near," extending His mighty right hand to hold our hand and speak to us, lifting us up again (Ref.: Gospel song "You Are My Beloved Son").


(3)    Just as Jesus said to the leper, "I am willing," when we come to the Lord on our knees and pray for the healing of our loved ones who are suffering, may we experience the deep love of the Lord through His words, "I am willing," and through this, may we truly feel His great love.


(4)    I pray that as the Lord hears the earnest prayers of His suffering children, He will say, "I am willing.  Be clean," and that their illnesses will be healed immediately.  However, even if "He does not," with faith [Ref.: "The 'Even if He does not' faith" (Daniel 3:18)], just as I led the funeral service for my beloved cousin, Christie, in 2024 and praised God—I will continue to praise “God is So Good and praise the greatness of the Lord and sing, "It is well with my soul" (Hymn “When Peace, Like a River, Atthendeth My Way”) [Ref.: Video of the funeral service hymn for the late Sister Christie Hong (https://youtu.be/EoaKVUkfUZw?si=umNqq8bO-8H1UVk6)].