If we go up to God’s house to worship

without first reconciling with our brother ...



If we have done something that causes our brother to hold a grudge against us,

and we go up to God’s house to worship without first reconciling with our brother

(Ref.: Matthew 5:23-24), God might say the following about our worship:

‘What is the use of your many acts of worship to me?’
‘I am weary of the worship you offer.’
‘I take no delight in your offerings of worship.’
‘Who asked you to bring such worship before me?’
‘You are merely trampling my courts.’
‘Do not bring any more worthless worship.’
‘I have grown tired of your assemblies.’
‘Even when you observe the Sabbath or gather for religious meetings,

I cannot bear the sight of your evil deeds.’
‘The worship I detest has become a burden to me,

and I am exhausted from bearing it’

(Ref.: Isaiah 1:11-14).