Why does God bring us to a state of poverty?
God said to the prophet Ezekiel:
‘I will cut off the food supply to Jerusalem.
The people will be in despair, eating their bread
by weight and drinking their water by measure.
When food and water run out,
they will be appalled at each other’s wretched condition
and will waste away because of their sin’
(Ezekiel 4:16-17).
Why does God bring us to a state of poverty?
He surely knows that we will be distressed and struggling in such circumstances.
Could it be that God wants us to cry out to the Lord in our distress?
(Ref.: Psalms 107:5-6)
Could it be that God intends to make us realize the truth
that our lives are like a evening shadow and a withering grass? (102:11)
Or perhaps God is using our poverty to weigh us down
so that we may resolve to confess our sins
and disclose all our wrongdoings without hiding anything,
thereby leading us to forgiveness? (32:4-5)