The Most High God has anointed and appointed

even someone as lowly as myself as a pastor.



Considering the passage where King Nebuchadnezzar dreamed

that 'the Most High God rules over the kingdom of mankind

and gives it to whom He wills, and sets over it the lowliest of people'

(Daniel 4:17, 25, 32),

I believe that it is a great grace

that the 'Most High God' governs our lowly 'kingdom of mankind.'

Additionally, when reflecting on the statement

that the 'Most High God' gives the kingdom to anyone He wills

according to His own purpose,

I think it should naturally be in accordance with God's sovereign will.

Yet, I wonder why humans, who are like a fleeting breath,

assert that things should be according to our own will before God.

Another point that comes to mind is that when we consider

that 'the Most High God' can even set the lowliest person on the throne,

I realize that the Most High God has anointed and appointed

even someone as lowly as myself as a pastor.

I can only acknowledge this as an immense grace from God and offer my heartfelt thanks.