We focus on the eternal plan

God has established in Christ Jesus our Lord.



This is Ephesians 3:11 from the Modern Korean Bible:
"This was according to the eternal purpose

that God has accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord."
This plan of God is a "mysterious plan,"

and we have come to know this mysterious plan of God

through His revelation (v. 3).
Now, this plan has been made known to Christ's holy people

through the Holy Spirit (v. 5).
The mystery of this plan is that the Gentiles

are also heirs together with Israel, members together of one body,

and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel (v. 6).

We have received the gift of God's grace and,

by the power of God working within us,

have become servants to spread this gospel (v. 7).

Therefore, we focus on the eternal plan

that God has established in Christ Jesus our Lord,

and we pray that this plan will be accomplished

on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10).