If we are serving both God and money right now ...


Perhaps God is continually telling us through His servants,

"No one can serve two masters.

For you will hate one and love the other;

you will be devoted to one and despise the other.

You cannot serve both God and money"

(Matthew 6:24).

If we are serving both God and money right now,

God might be telling us, "Turn from your evil ways and your evil practices"

(Jeremiah 25:5-7).

We must not idolize or worship wealth or money.  This angers God.

If we disobey God's words and anger Him,

we are bringing trouble upon ourselves,

and God will discipline us with love

(Jeremiah 25:5-7, 29).



If God does not show us grace ...


If God does not show us grace,

we will continue to follow the wicked stubbornness of our hearts,

and we will sin against God by idolizing wealth and serving money

(Ref.: Jeremiah 16:10-13).



If the shepherds who are raising God’s people ...


If the shepherds who are raising God’s people scatter,

drive out, and neglect God’s flock, God will punish us

for the evil we have done

(Ref.: Jeremiah 23:2).