Because of false pastors ...


Because of false pastors, the hearts of true ministers are troubled.

The actions of false pastors are wicked,

and their efforts are not honest

(Ref.: Jeremiah 23:9-10).



False pastors are those who preach a false gospel to us,

causing us to be led away from the Lord.


False pastors are those who preach a false gospel to us,

causing us to be led away from the Lord.

If we listen to them, both we and the false pastors will perish.

Therefore, we must not listen to the words of false pastors.

They have not been sent by the Lord, yet they are spreading a false gospel

in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

(Ref.: Jeremiah 27:10, 14-15).



The false pastors are preaching a "restoration" without repentance.


Perhaps now the false pastors

are preaching a "restoration" without repentance,

while the true pastors,

who genuinely desire the restoration of the believers who are sinning,

are preaching "repent"

(Ref.: Jeremiah 28:1-9).




We must not be deceived

by the false pastors or fortune tellers among us.


We must not be deceived by the false pastors or fortune tellers among us,

nor should we listen to the stories of dreams they have fabricated.

The reason is that they have not been sent by God,

yet they come to us and make false sermons or false prophecies in the name of Jesus

(Ref.: Jeremiah 29:8-9).