The church of God vs. The church of men (1)


In the church of God there is grace and peace,

but in the church of men there is merit, strife, strife, and division.



The church of God vs. The church of men (2)


God's church is full of gratitude,

but man's church is full of complaints.



The church of God vs. The church of men (3)


There is humility in God's church,

but there is pride in man's church.



The church of God vs. The church of men (4)


In God's church, people rely only on the merits of the cross of Jesus Christ,

but in people's churches, they record in their hearts the merits they have done

for the Lord and the church, and are recognized by church members and praised by others.



The church of God vs. The church of men (5)


In God's church, the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed,

but in man's church, man's 'gospel' (good news) that scratches people's itching ears

is making a sound like a cymbal.



The church of God vs. The church of men (6)


In God's church, the saints stand firm in the testimony of Christ

by hearing and understanding the truth of the gospel,

but in the church of men, there is no such solidity.



The church of God vs. The church of men (7)


In God's church, each saint graciously uses the spiritual gifts given by God

with wisdom and self-control to build His church.

In human-made churches, saints often selfishly and unrestrainedly

use the gifts and talents given by God to boast about themselves.



The church of God vs. The church of men (8)


In God's church, the Lord, who is the head of the church, is glorified,

but in man's church, people are glorified.