I no longer want to live avoiding my responsibilities.


As we welcome the New Year 2024,

I no longer want to live avoiding my responsibilities.

At the same time, I do not want to make excuses by saying, ‘I did not know.’

I want to live remembering that the Lord is examining my heart and watching over me,

and that He will repay me according to what I have done

(Ref.: Proverbs 24:12).




I want to be more boldly rebuked by the Word of God.


As we welcome the New Year 2024,

I want to be more boldly rebuked by the Word of God

(Ref.: Proverbs 24:25).

I pray that this year will be one where my conscience

is more deeply convicted

(Ref.: 1 Samuel 24:5; 2 Samuel 24:10)

by the Word of God, the sword of the Spirit

(Ephesians 6:17).