The sayings that come from the mouth of a fool ...


The sayings that come from the mouth of a fool

are as useless as legs that hang limp on the lame,

and like a thornbush brandished by a drunkard

(Proverbs 26:7, 9).



A foolish woman


A foolish woman has no sense of shame

and speaks without restraint

(Proverbs 9:13).



A fool gets angry.


Stones are heavy, sand is heavy,

but the anger of a fool is heavier than that

(Proverbs 27:3).

 A fool immediately explodes with anger (12:16).

That anger will kill a fool

(Ref.: Job 5:2).




The fool lacks discretion and understanding ...


The fool lacks discretion and understanding, so he speaks many words rashly

and is prone to committing the sin of slander against others.

But the wise person restrains their words with knowledge stored in his heart,

and his lips nurture many people."

(Ref.: Proverbs 10:13-14, 19, 21).




Parents who have foolish children have only worries and no joy.


Parents who have foolish children have only worries and no joy

(Proverbs 17:21).

A foolish son is a sorrow to his father and a pain to his mother (v. 25).