Do not speak to fools.


Do not speak to fools, for they will scorn your prudent words

(Ref.: Proverbs 23:9).



Rebuking a fool a hundred times will be useless.


Rebuking a fool a hundred times will be useless.

A single word of rebuke to a wise person

will feel sharper than striking a fool a hundred times

(Proverbs 17:10).



Do not honor a fool!


Do not honor a fool!

Honoring a fool is like tying a stone in a sling

(Proverbs 26:1, 8).



A fool considers a bribe to be like a magic charm,

believing it can accomplish anything.


A fool considers a bribe to be like a magic charm,

believing it can accomplish anything

(Ref.: Proverbs 17:8).

The wicked accept bribes in secret

to pervert the course of justice when dealing with the foolish

(Ref.: Proverbs 17:23).