Even though those who pursue wickedness

and are far from Your law come near to us ...


Even though those who pursue wickedness and are far from Your law come near to us,

we must rise early in the morning, place our hope in God’s unfailing love and promises,

seek His help and salvation, and keep His commandments

(Ref.: Psalms 119:146-150).



Even though trouble and distress come upon us ...


Even though trouble and distress come upon us,

God hears and answers our sincere prayers in the midst of it all,

making us understand His promised words and comforting us.

Therefore, we will obey Your words

(Ref.: Psalms 119:143-145).



Even if people criticize and mock us ...


Even if people criticize and mock us,

we must not depart from God’s commandments.

We should remember and be comforted by His promised words

(Ref.: Psalms 119:51-52).