I hope that we too can learn this secret and pass God’s test.



Because God caused Saul and his men to fall into a deep sleep,

David and Abishai were able to secretly approach Saul's camp

and take only his spear and water jug from beside his head

(1 Samuel 26:5, 12).

As I pondered this passage,

I wondered why God caused Saul and his men to fall into a deep sleep.

Perhaps God was testing David.

Since God had delivered Saul into David's hands,

it seemed like God was testing whether David would obey Him by sparing Saul,

whom God had anointed as king (vv. 9, 23).

The key to David passing this test was

that he believed God would repay the faithful with good

and that God valued his life just as David valued Saul's life,

so he desired God to rescue him from all trouble (vv. 23-24).

May we also learn this lesson and pass God's tests with faithfulness.