Is rejecting our prayers also an answer to our prayers?



Moses was more humble than anyone else on earth

(Numbers 12:3).

He was a faithful servant in God's house.

Therefore, when God spoke to him, He spoke directly and clearly, not in riddles.

Moses even saw the form of the Lord (vv. 7-8).

Yet, when Moses pleaded with God, saying,

"Let me go over and see the good land beyond the Jordan—

that fine hill country and Lebanon," God responded,

"That is enough!  Do not speak to me anymore about this matter"

(Deuteronomy 3:25-26).

This was because Moses did not trust in God

and rebelled against His command at Meribah,

failing to uphold God's holiness before the Israelites

(Numbers 20:12, 24).

Reflecting on this, I feel that when God refuses our prayers,

it can also be considered an answer to our prayers.

When our prayers are denied, instead of insisting on them before God,

it is more beneficial to take time for self-examination and introspection.