Even if I die, I want to see the face of my beloved Lord in person.



His father, Jacob, who especially loved Joseph more than his other sons

and made him a richly decorated long robe (Genesis 37:3),

saw Joseph's richly decorated long robe soaked in goat's blood (vv. 23, 31).

Joseph, thinking that he must have been torn to death by a wild beast,

wept bitterly and mourned the death of his son for a long time (vv. 33-34).

All his children comforted him, but to no avail.

He continued to weep over his son's death, saying,

"I will mourn and go to my son in the other world" (v. 35).

However, after about 22 years [Joseph was 17 years old at this time (v. 2),

and when he was 30 years old, he became governor of Egypt (41:46)

+ 7 years of plenty (verse 29) + 2 years of famine (45 :6)

= He was 39 years old (39 years - 17 years = 22 years)]

Jacob came down to Egypt and saw Joseph, whom he especially loved, in person.

At that time, Jacob said to Joseph:

“My eyes have clearly seen that you are still alive,

 and now I have no choice but to die” (46:30).

He lived for about 22 years, thinking that his beloved son was dead.

Then, when he saw his living face, he said, "I have no regrets even if he died."


As I meditated on these words, two thoughts came to my mind:

(1) Who is the loved one I really want to see before I die?

(2) Even if I die, I want to see the face of my beloved Lord in person.