‘You go back and love your cheating spouse’?



God commanded the prophet Hosea, saying,

‘Go, love your wife again, even though she commits adultery ...

As the Lord loves the Israelites,

though they turn to other gods and love the sacred raisin cakes’

(Hosea 3:1).

[Here, the term "again" implies Hosea's wife Gomer

repeatedly seeking other men besides her husband Hosea (v. 3).

However, God commands Hosea to love his wife "again"

just as God continues to love the Israelites

despite their continued harlotry (repeatedly following the idol Baal).]


If God were to say to us,

"Go, love your spouse who has committed adultery again,

just as I still love him/her.

Love your spouse who continues to commit adultery," what would we do?

Why would God say such a thing to us?

Could it be that God, our loving Father, wants to teach us His heart of love,

even for us who continue to spiritually commit adultery?