Great salvation in times of great crisis
God commanded Jonah to go to that great city Nineveh and cry out against it (Jonah 1:2).
However, Jonah disobeyed. Therefore, God caused a great wind to arise,
creating a great storm as Jonah boarded a ship (v. 4).
It was a great crisis as the ship was about to break apart.
Yet, God prepared a great fish" for Jonah (v. 17).
Though Jonah disobeyed God's word (v. 3),
he obeyed God's command by being obedient to the great fish,
which brought him to dry land (2:10).
In this way, while God allowed a great crisis for disobedient Jonah,
He also prepared a great fish to rescue him from it.
Similarly, though God may allow great difficulties and trials for us in our disobedience,
He also brings about great salvation for us.