I want to live according to my name.



"The wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above;

and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever"

(Daniel 12:3).


This Bible verse holds great significance for me.

The reason is that my father gave me the name "Jee Woun"

(which means number one in wisdom)

and shared this Bible verse with me.

However, I had previously focused

only on the aspect of "turning many to righteousness" in this verse.


Yet, just recently, while exercising and memorizing a Bible verse for church,

I gained a new insight from Isaiah 58:10.

The revelation is that I, Jee Woun, should live a life reflecting the illuminated life of Jesus

by empathizing with the hungry and satisfying the needs of the afflicted,

as mentioned in Isaiah 58:10.