“Ephraim people” within the church?




The Ephraimites said to Gideon,

"Why did you not call us when you went to fight against the Midianites?

How could you treat us like this?"

and they argued strongly with Gideon (Judg. 8:1).

Similarly, they confronted Jephthah, saying,

"Why did you cross over to fight against the people of Ammon without calling us to go with you?

We will burn your house down over you!" (12:1).


Although the Ephraimites questioned

why they were not called to war by Gideon or Jephthah,

examining Jephthah's response reveals that their claim was not entirely accurate:

"I called you, but you did not save me from their hands.

So when I saw that you would not help, I took my life in my hands..."

(vv. 2-3).


When I contemplate this reality,

I think there are people in the church who are like the "Ephraimites":


  1. They talk but do not act.
  2. Therefore, even when church leaders seek help, they do not offer assistance.
  3. They do not take communal responsibilities seriously.
  4. Despite this, they desire to be treated well by church leaders.
  5. When they do not receive the treatment they desire, they become angry.
  6. Consequently, they engage in disputes and arguments with church leaders.